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Video About the Playground

More than anything, I love all the support that is behind the scenes in the video.... You can't imagine how many hours and how many people went into making a 6-minute flick like this. It's humbling to know that people care and support my vision and I am forever grateful.

This is truly a never-ending project. Very seldom does a day go by that I don't get an email from someone with an idea or a donation or an offer to help.... And those daily reminders keep me going! We have enough to begin construction next spring and compelte the first phase, so we're continuing to pursue fund-raising with the final phase in mind. And I know we'll get there! The longer the project goes on, the more patience I get because truly this has been about the journey for me.... the relationships, the incredible people, just the sense of community and sincere compassion from the general public. There is SO much negative in the world, but there is even more good! I am in never-ending awe of the little bits of good that have touched my life because of this project.



Jennie said...

Well done Tara! I love the video. I'm so excited for you and your family and for all of our kids. You've worked so hard to make this happen. Yea!!!

Amanda said...

I absolutely LOVED this video, and wish that there was a playground like that for Grace here in Rexburg. There's just no where that she can play safely! Congratulations!