To get the full scoop on our project, go here. To find out how you can help, go here.

How You Can Help

People are always asking how they can help with the playground. I keep directing them to the blog. But I just realized that I didn't have everything in one easy-to-find spot. So here is a list that is easy to see all the different ways you can help out!

  • Make a donation. Find out how here.
  • Purchase a brick. Find out how here.
  • Participate in the Turkey Trot 5k on November 20th. Details here.
  • Attend the silent auction on November 20th and/or participate in the 5k Turkey Trot. Details here.
  • Donate for a chance to win an autographed Utah Jazz basketball. Details here.
  • Donate for a chance to win an iPad. Details here.
  • Buy a frosty any time at the Wendy's in Syracuse. Details here.
  • Purchase bows at Chloe's Bow-tique.
  • Purchase digital scrapbooking kit "Sunshine Playground." Details here.
  • Keep updated on future events by following our blog here or facebook page here.

Thank you again to everyone who supports this project! I know I say it all the time, but I sincerely mean it. This project has truly shown me how much people in this community care about each other. It is humbling and exciting to think what everyone will help us accomplish! Thank you!!!

Phasing Plan

Tonight, Cindy Gooch of JUB Engineers presented a proposal for Syracuse City to support the playground to be built in phases. She and her amazing support staff are working on writing a grant for our project and they believe that building the playground in phases will help with potential donation opportunites and make the excitement of the playground a reality rather than just a pipe dream. I am thrilled with this phasing idea and believe if things go as I have planned with some of our upcoming fund-raising events, that we may be able to combine phases 2 and 3 and have the project completed next year. With that in mind, here is the 3-part phasing plan.

Phase 1: Game Time "Powerscapes" for ages 5-12 and ages 2-5; swings; shade structures; benches; excavation for the entire project; surfacing; retaining wall and concrete sidewalks and arched entrance.

Phase 2: Cre8 Play area and mini play structures.

Phase 3: Splash Pad and final touches.

Majority ruled and the council committed that JUB Engineers can submit a grant application which will potentially match the funds we have already raised; the city also committed to operation and maintenance of the playground upon completion.

Squint. Look into the future. Do you see Chloe's Sunshine Playground? I DO!!!

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude to the continued outpouring of support from the city and other incredible people and organizations. It never ceases to amaze me. Thank you. We're going to make this a reality. Not me.... WE -- all of us! Thank you!!!