Here is a recap of the slideshow I presented to the city council tonight:
Inspired by....
My daughter Chloe has a severe seizure disorder and cerebral palsy. She loves life and is a true joy! But when we go to playgrounds, she can only watch from the sidelines because most playgrounds do not offer play options that allow accessibility for Chloe’s wheelchair and physical needs. I realized that I need to take a stand for Chloe and the many special children like her who live in this area because all children deserve a place to play!
What is an accessible playground?....
•Allows all children to play side-by-side and enjoy being children
•Allows for wheelchair access: transfer stations, ramps, wider paths, stable surfaces, table play, ample space around equipment
•Rubberized surfaces ideal for wheelchairs and walkers
•Swings to accommodate children in wheelchairs and high-back swings for children with poor head control
•Toys that promote balance
•Tactile and auditory elements
•Integrates sign language, Braille and pictures
•Elements for teaching
For the children:
•Having fun
•Vestibular Therapy
•Sensory Stimulation
•A feeling of being ‘normal’
•Integration and learning to accept differences
For Syracuse:
•Positive press
•Frequent visitors
Cost & Funding.....
•Cost to build an accessible playground is approximately $800,000 for cost of landscape architect, labor & playground supplies
•Seeking land to be donated by Syracuse City
•In the process of creating Non-Profit Organization: The No child Left Out Project
•Community Impact Fund
•State and Federal grants (autism, special physical education, and others)
•Donations from other NPO’s
•Local fund-raising
•Blog ( & blog promotion
•Donation/paypal button on the blog
•Press release about the project which will direct people to the blog for donations
•Weekly stories on the blog of children and families who will benefit from the park
•Determine location and place plaque ‘Future home of Sunshine Park’ along with flyers that will again direct people to the blog to make donations
•Stories in local newspapers and magazines
•Local news appearances
Desired Location....
Jensen Park
•This is an existing park with many acres still available for use
•Existing parking and amenities available
•This is a place where many people come and will come to the new park. This will make the park a place for everyone instead of just a ‘special needs park.’ Being with all types of children is an important part of the park
•Will revolve the theme of the accessible playground around the ‘nature’ theme
Thank you!....
After the presentation, one councilmember said his cousin developed an accessible playground in St Louis. He gave me her contact information so she can hold my hand through the process. Another councilmember said his brother and sister-in-law had built a playground in memory of their deceased child. He gave me their contact information so they could give me ideas with fund-raising, etc. They also told me there was another citizen who brought this idea to their attention last year, and they said they would give me her contact information so she can team up to help this come to fruition.
All in all, I felt like everything could not have gone better than it did! The next step is meeting with the councilmembers after they think about different options for the location. Will keep you posted!
This is AWESOME! I have no better words!! What a wonderful gift and opportunity for these kids. Best wishes!!
This is really something great.
Well, you are on your way girl! I am very excited that you are taking on such a project. It will be great!!!!!
Visit for great information regarding Boundless Playgrounds! GameTime has participated in a number of great playgrounds where all child can play together.
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