To get the full scoop on our project, go here. To find out how you can help, go here.

Bows for the Playground!

I just started a new blog, Chloe's Bow-tique, to help raise funds for the playground. Check it out, but please realize it's a work in progress! Be sure to tell your friends too!

Just the Tip of the Iceberg

I think it's ironic that our first fund-raising event was held at Iceberg Drive-Inn, because truly this really is the tip of the iceberg of all the events we will have for this project!

And it was a great event!

In addition to yummy food, there were some pretty amazing people who showed up to support our cause!

Chloe & Mayor Jamie Nagle

There was a fire truck for all the kiddos to check out!


But Chloe was most into the men who came in the fire truck! *wink*wink*

Chloe & the firemen

Of course everyone loved the police car (and policeman) as well! What is it about a man in uniform? I dunno, but it starts at a young age.... just ask Chloe & Izzy!

Chloe, Izzy giggling about their crush

Thank you everyone for your support, it was a huge success! Even if you couldn't make it tonight, I feel the support of everyone so much with this project and it really does keep me going - it means the world to me!