To get the full scoop on our project, go here. To find out how you can help, go here.

Mayor's Message

Message from Mayor Jamie Nagle
Posted in the March 2010 Syracuse City Newsletter

There are so many exciting things happening in Syracuse right now. The City is working with Tara Bennett to use existing park space to build a "No Child Left Out" park structure.. This playground will be the first of its kind west of St. Louis, Missouri. Tara is raising the necessary funds to build this structure, and the City will provide existing park space to help make Tara's dream a reality so that her little girl can also play and enjoy these types of amenities.

Location Determined

Just got back from meeting with the city council. They agreed with our proposed location for the accessible playground (Legacy Park) and are moving forward to make a formal resolution on the subject. I am stoked! Once the official resolution happens at the next city council meeting, we will be hitting the ground running with a press release and fund raising galore! Get ready, get set..... GO!

Unlimited Play Partnership

The No Child Left Out Project is officially partnering with Unlimited Play to make Chloe's Sunshine Playground a reality. We are thrilled about the partnership and look forward to what's to come!